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Garland ISD Calendar 2023-24 [School/Academic Calendar]

Garland ISD Calendar – Garland Independent School District (GISD), located in the heart of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, is a prominent and forward-thinking educational institution. With a rich history dating back to the late 1800s, GISD has consistently demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement.

The district serves a diverse and dynamic population, offering a comprehensive range of educational programs to meet the unique needs and aspirations of its students. GISD is known for its innovative approach to teaching and learning, with a strong emphasis on technology integration and student achievement.

The district’s dedicated educators, administrators, and support staff work collaboratively to provide a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Garland ISD’s legacy of educational excellence continues to be a source of pride for the community it serves, preparing students to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.

Garland ISD Calendar 2023-24

Some of the Garland ISD Calendar with common holidays that GISD schools might observe include: 

  • Labor Day: Usually observed on the first Monday in September. 
  • Thanksgiving Break: Generally, spans a week in November and includes Thanksgiving Day. 
  • Winter Break: Typically includes a winter holiday recess in December. 
  • Spring Break: Often occurs in March or April and provides students and staff with a week-long break. 
  • Memorial Day: Usually observed on the last Monday in May. 
  • Independence Day: Observed on July 4. 

These holidays give students, teachers, and staff members a well-deserved break from their regular routines and provide an opportunity to celebrate important national and cultural events. 

  • Early Beginnings: The roots of GISD date back to the late 1800s when the first schools were established in the Garland area to provide education to local children. 
  • Formation: GISD was officially established as an independent school district on June 12, 1901, following a community vote to create a unified and organized educational system. 
  • Rapid Growth: As the city of Garland and its surrounding communities grew, so did the demand for quality education. New schools were built to accommodate the increasing number of students. 
  • Integration and Civil Rights: Like many school districts across the U.S., GISD faced challenges related to integration during the civil rights movement. The district’s history includes efforts to promote inclusivity and equal education opportunities for all students.

Garland ISD Educational Advancements

  • Over the years, GISD has introduced innovative programs, modern teaching methodologies, and technological advancements to enhance the learning experience for students. 
  • Diverse Programs: GISD offers a range of academic, extracurricular, and vocational programs to cater to students’ diverse interests and career goals. 
  • Community Engagement: Throughout its history, GISD has emphasized the importance of collaboration with parents, community members, and local businesses to enrich the educational environment. 
  • Adapting to Change: GISD has demonstrated its ability to adapt to changes in education, technology, and community needs while maintaining a focus on student achievement. 

Garland ISD Calendar

Garland Independent School District (GISD) typically observes several holidays throughout the academic year. The holiday schedule is subject to change from year to year, so it’s essential to refer to the official GISD website or calendar for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Garland ISD School/Academic Calendar 2023-24

Holiday  Date 
Labor Day  First Monday in September 
Thanksgiving Break  Usually, a week in November 
Winter Break  Typically, December 
Spring Break  Usually in March or April 
Memorial Day  Last Monday in May 
Independence Day  July 4 

 Keep in mind that the actual job listings and positions available can vary. 

Position  Location  Job Type  Posted Date  Application Deadline 
Teacher – Math  Smith Middle School  Full-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 
Custodian  Johnson Elementary  Part-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 
School Nurse  District Office  Full-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 
Administrative Asst.  Highview High School  Full-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 
Bus Driver  Transportation Dept.  Part-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 
Cafeteria Worker  Lincoln Elementary  Part-time  [Date]  [Deadline Date] 

Garland Independent School District (GISD) offers a variety of job opportunities across its schools and departments. From teaching positions to support staff roles, GISD provides a diverse range of employment options for individuals interested in contributing to the education and well-being of students.  

Job openings within GISD can include teaching positions for various subjects and grade levels, administrative roles, custodial and maintenance positions, school nurse positions, and transportation roles such as bus drivers, and cafeteria workers.  

These positions collectively contribute to the efficient functioning of the district and the provision of a quality educational experience for students. Job seekers interested in joining GISD’s team can explore the district’s official website or employment portal for information on current job openings, application procedures, and deadlines.

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